What is cerumen? How to handle cerumen?
It is normal to have a certain amount in the ears as protection against irritation and entry of dust or bacteria in the ears. Earwax can be dry or soft. It can be yellowish, orange or brownish. The quantity produced varies greatly depending on each person.
In most people, earwax is normally eliminated by the human body. However, sometimes it accumulates. The accumulation of earwax is not necessarily linked to a lack of hygiene. The shape of the ear canal, the presence of hair or lifestyle can explain the accumulation of earwax. In some cases, the accumulation of earwax blocks the ear canal. It must then be removed.
How to clean your ears
Do not use a cotton swab (Q-Tips). The use of cotton swabs may aggravate the situation, making the earwax more compact and irritating the ear canal.
As you shower, tilt your head, let water run over your ears, massage the ear canal and drain the water. Earwax will tend to flow from the ear. Some products sold in pharmacies and licensed by Health Canada can help soften the earwax.
Entendre Plus Hearing audiologists have removed hundreds of earwax buildups, you can trust their accuracy.